Sunday, June 21, 2015

Mechanism or trend for soil productivity improvement in AF

Mechanism or trend for soil productivity improvement in AF
Trend in soil productivity improvement in agroforestry can been achieved planting compatible and desirable species. This helps to reduce soil erosion and to improve physical condition of soil. It also influences hydrological cycle by reducing surface run off and by increasing infiltration of rain water.

The soil productivity improvement trend in agroforestry is as follows:
1. Plantation of compatible and desirable species
Plantation of compatible and desirable trees species i) add organic matter through leaf litter, twigs, fruits, and roots into the soil ii) nutrient recycling more efficiently iii) biological nitrogen fixation iv) enhance nutrient use and nutrient economy planting shallow and deep rooting trees and crops v) better sharing of nutrients between trees and crops and vi) enhance nutrient release pattern adding more organic matter into the soil, vii) enhance microbial activities adding more organic matter.
2. Improve physical condition of soil with proper inclusion of trees, grasses and legumes
3. Reduce upstream soil erosion and downstream siltation problems through planting desirable trees and grass species in upstream
4. Planting trees and grasses for micro-climate improvement and for influencing hydrological cycle by reducing surface run off and increasing infiltration of rain water
5. Planting nitrogen fixing trees and crops like coffee, tea, cardamom to get more benefits from nitrogen rich leaf litter and soil nitrogen

1 comment:

  1. how to determine deep rooting of a plant? I mean, how to understand which plants are to be dug deep than others.
